Meet The Team

Meet The Team


We’re a friendly bunch here at Spectrum Yarns so we thought you may like to meet some of our fantastic employees and find out a bit more about them.


We’ve done it question and answer style so it may make you think what you like in life too!



Name: Kimberley Orwin




Job title: Customer Service Advisor


Best bit about the job: Spectrum is a lovely place to work. My colleagues are totally fab and I love the fact that I’m part of the history of the Colne Valley by working in a woollen mill which the valley is so famous for. 


Best advice you’ve ever been given in life: Life is too short for ironing. My grandma told me that and taught me the art of folding so you don’t have to iron most things.


Tell us something most people don’t know about you: I designed a Christmas card for McVitie’s Biscuits.


Who do you find inspirational in life and why: Walt Disney. He had many setbacks in life but still carried on until he achieved his dream.


What’s the last thing you did you were proud of: I did the Midnight Memory Walk which is an annual fundraising event for Kirkwood Hospice which covers Huddersfield and Dewsbury and raised more than £1,000. The walk is in memory of loved ones we have lost.


What’s your biggest claim to fame: I do crafts and rock star Noel Gallagher has my Manchester City artwork while Paloma Faith has a mug I designed for the concert season at The Piece Hall in Halifax. Both bought them while appearing at the Piece Hall which is a fantastic live music venue.


What’s the best place you’ve ever visited and why: Norway. The beauty there is just off the charts and the people are so chilled out.


Favourite film: Coco and Cinema Paradiso


Favourite meal: Greek sheet pan chicken.


Favourite song and why: I’ve Got Love by Bitty McLean. It’s just one of those songs that makes you want to sing at the top of your voice, bounce around every time you hear it and gives me a spring in my step.


Name: Stefania Rebaudo



Job title: Customer Service and Embroidery Administrator


Best bit about the job: It’s a really varied and dynamic role. No two days are ever the same.


Best advice you’ve ever been given in life: Feel the fear … and then do it anyway.


Tell us something most people don’t know about you: I have a gold molar.


Who do you find inspirational in life and why: My parents. Both are musicians in an orchestra who met while doing their dream job and taught me and my sister the value and importance of the arts.


What’s the last thing you did you were proud of: Scored 1.5 points for my rounders team in a local league match.


What’s your biggest claim to fame: I think I saw Johnny Depp in the street once.


What’s the best place you’ve ever visited and why: Florence, the most stunning city in Italy.


Favourite film: Flight of the Navigator


Favourite meal: Lasagna


Favourite song and why: Could Have Been Me by The Stuts as it’s so energetic and motivating.
